
Co-mediation means that two mediators work simultaneously; one of them shall have a legal profession, the other a therapeutic-psychological profession. This model has obvious benefits: for example mutual relief, better opportunities for monitoring, consulting or reflection of the interaction; but also professional and liability reasons.

The extension of complexity by a second mediator, however, raises additional problems, such as the coordination with each other or the creation of conflicts between the mediators and how they handle it. In addition, this model is also more expensive and complicated simply because of the logistics of time. However, co-mediation has proved to be particularly useful in very sensitive cases. However, in conflicts within and between groups (especially in the environmental mediation), co-mediation and team-mediation become a necessity “legis artis”.


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Bedrohliche oder krisenhafte Situationen in Form von Störungen in der internen und externen Kommunikation brechen manchmal völlig überraschend in ein Unternehmen ein. Sofortige Abwehrmaßnahmen dämmen Konfliktkosten zumindest ein oder sind eine Chance und bringen sogar einen Zugewinn. Reagieren Sie je früher desto besser. Auch wenn Sie bereits vor Gericht stehen, kann der Prozess laut EU-Richtlinie jederzeit für eine Mediation unterbrochen werden.


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