The FGI Business Mediation Advisory is steadily growing nationally and internationally. Our know-how has been called up early on by EU-countries and has been cooperatively internationalized. We were trusted the administration of cross-border business mediation, as e.g. the helicopter catastrophe of Sölden, airport Bozen or the mediation training of the chamber of commerce of South Tyrol as well as an EU-project in the Ministry of Justice of Croatia and many more.

Due to the legislation of civil law mediation, which is mandatory since 2011 all over Europe , we develop standardized solutions for international companies, which can be transmitted across national borders to all business contexts.

All this requires competent partners in a group that can deliver excellent results on all levels nearby business mediation, as in particular human resources and organizational development as well as process consulting.


Business mediation is particularly based on cooperation. It is a proven evolutionary principle that only cooperation, in fact on a voluntary basis, can guarantee survival and produce quality. Therefore, the FALK Group passes over its knowledge in exclusive seminars and is also in cooperation with strong partners that serve your interests.

Rapid, flexible, international.


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